domenica 12 maggio 2013

From jpeg to pdf with linux

Sometimes i have to merge a lot of jpeg (taken with my camera) into a single pdf , so i explain to you how to do that.

1)reduce jpegs weight: (*)

a) install " imagemagick " 

b) in terminal , write :

cd /dir_with_jpeg                 

(for example : cd /home/user/images/book )

mogrify -quality 50 *.jpeg 

(it will reduce jpegs quality 50% off ; you can choose another percentage)

(*) do this step only if your jpegs are very heavy!

2) merge all jpegs into a single pdf:

a) in a terminal , write:

convert *.jpeg name.pdf

if it fails , try this

b) install jpeg2pdf

jpeg2pdf -a /dir_with_jpeg name.pdf

(it saves the pdf in the home directory)


i'll write how to merge multiple pdf , make bookmarks in pdf and how to compress pdf.

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